Rune's Photo Album
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Here's where u can find pics of me, family or friends doing whatever "probally something goofy :D".

Here's me around July 2001.

Here I am at Ozzfest 2000, man was it hot that day.

This is my friend Paul makeing a face, lol.

Here is Paul again doing what we call "The Hickory Dance"....don't ask.

Here's my friend Chris playing with fire. >:)

It's a pic of Chris that I messed around with, LOL.

There's me acting like a jackass for the camera. :)

It's El Dorito, pantry pirate and raider of the fridge!

This here is the largest sword I own at 4ft.8in., the Terminator Claymore, the lil boy u see there is my nephew, Mason.

Sometimes I get bored and make lil things like these, this here is a signature pic I made for myself for a messageboard I mod at called

Heres a close up pic of meh, this was taken June 2002

This is my B.C.Rich Warlock Platinum. I love this thing, got it when I was 17.

I got this knife from my father for christmas of 2001, I'm not really a knife person but still think it looks kool.

Here's a sword I got in 1999 as a gift from my mother. It's the Sword of Darkness designed by Kit Rae.

Heres a close up of the handle and hilt of the Sword of Darkness. My thumb sorta got in the pic but I didn't feel like taking another.

These two are my Barbarian sword and my staff katana I got awhile back.

Here are my two Samurai swords I own, the red one was a gift from my mother and the black one I bought at a sword shop.

And here we are again with Paul making some crackhead face, lol.

This is my friend Eddie, I have known him since I was 12 years old. I never had his pic on here before because getting a pic of him nowadays is as hard as robbing Fort Knox lol, so this is pretty rare to see.

Here is one of my older freinds, Jesse. No folks he isn't really on drugs in the pic lol.

WEEEE!! Me and Jesse found this funny, when I took this pic of Paul, it came out this way and made us laugh lol.

Now this is just priceless, James was playing the new Resident Evil remake on the GameCube at my house and this happened to him when running from a Crimson Head. Everyone just busted out laughing at his misfortune. :p

This is Jesse when he gets crazy. :D

Chris shows his true form and opens the portal to hell. :P

A nighttime snowglobe.

My nickname graffitti style I had made for me, the artist is Reign of the Gaia Online website.

A custom blinkie that Callie-chan of the Gaia Online website made for me.

Luck charms and sig for Gaia online